League City Girls Softball Association
EST 2016
League City Gils softball Association (LCGSA) is a non-profit organization formed to promote the game of softball at all levels of play in the League City area. The all-volunteer organization will be dedicated to providing a quality softball program for girls in our community.
Our Recreational Program is an instructional program designed to help players develop their skills in their current division or to help the players that are moving up in age classification to get prepared for the upcoming Spring season. Fall is also a great time to introduce new players to the game. Practices may take place any day of the week. Games will take place on Sunday afternoons.
Our Competitive (Tournament Team) Program is intended for experienced players who wish to compete at a higher level of play through the Fall season. This program will require a higher level of commitment than the recreational program (similar to our postseason program). There will be extra practices, additional fees and tournaments will be held within the greater Houston area. Tournament Schedule will be determined by the Manager. All players from League City and players that have previously participated with LCGSA are eligible to tryout.